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Pureora Forest area B&B, Farmstay, Hosted Self-catering
Prices from $100 to $250 per couple
Located 3.5 hrs from Auckland, & BOP, 2.5 from Hamilton, 2 from Rotorua & Taupo
Phone: 07 8947677
Mobile (and SMS): 0275711030
Address: 1731 Ongarue Stream Road, Waimiha 3998, New Zealand
Contact Person: Rachael Dey
Directions: Easily accessible from SH30 - approx 30 mins, and SH4 - approx 40 mins Note: there is 15.5km unsealed road, no 4WD needed!
The perfect place to relax and unwind after a day’s exploring the region or cycling through Pureora Forest Park.
Enjoy a soak in the hot tub / spa under the stars at the end of the day. A destination in itself - featuring native 'whio', waterfall, trout feeding all surrounded by nature at it's best.
Great kiwi hospitality in a remote location, with all the comforts of home.
Be amazed by our majestic waterfall, whio (native blue duck), native orchids, long fin eel, rainbow trout feeding, short tail bats, glow worms and exquisite bird life.
This is accredited to the Blackferm Ecological Restoration project started in 2005.
A truly kiwi experience - unplug from technology and plug into nature!
Blackfern Lodge